#383 ไม่เชื่อ อย่าลบลู่ 15 564 ตรงๆ งาดวันที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน 2562 ขอให้โชคดี-เลขเด็ด งวดนี้

If you are a contractor then you might already have realized that purchasing a home, whether for investment or to live in, might be much harder than initially thought. You hear of your friends that work in major companies or have a stable job working for someone buying homes and getting mortgages with ease, so why is it so difficult for you? This is because your finances cannot be determined as easy as theirs and most financial institutions and mortgages brokers do not look at each mortgage on a case by case basis but as a whole and categorize them based on certain "laws" they abide. Of course, since you run your own business and do not have the advantage of showing the same salary every single month they do not see you as someone capable of paying off the loan.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Buying-A-Home-As-A-Contractor&id=6116233